Boon Oude Geuze 375ml

£5.50 GBP

Brewed in the village of Lembeek, the birthplace of Lambic, Oude Geuze Boon is an exemplary representation of the traditional 100% spontaneous fermentation Lambic style. In adherence to the time-honoured "turbid mash" system, the Boon Brewery exclusively produces this sour beer during the 7 cold months, spanning from early October to April. After aging for 1, 2 or 3 years in oak casks, the resulting blend of Lambic, averaging 18 months old, is bottled and refermented, without any sweetening, filtering or pasteurization. This beer can be aged for up to 20 years. Notably, the World Beer Championships have bestowed upon this beer the following accolades: Gold in 2008, Silver in 2010, and Gold Medal in 2012.

Country: Belgium | Alcohol: 7%