How did you get into wine and why do you like it?

I’ve always been generally very into food and after trying a truly stunning Italian wine in Switzerland, I got into food and wine pairing. At St Andrews, I discovered blind tasting and my interest grew from there.

How did you get hired at Wine Co?

I annoyed Peter until he gave me a job.

What is your favourite Wine Co memory(ies)?

I just love when the whole staff is in the shop together chatting and chilling. Although, I’ll admit that’s not the best for business…

Do you think you’ll stay in the wine trade?

I’m studying neuroscience and I want to keep exploring that field and psychology. But, I do still want to keep a foot in the wine trade. Maybe open a bistro or an importing business in the future.

Peter's thoughts...

I didn't think it possible to get a bigger Burgundy geek in my shop than Ben, but I was wrong! John came in and rapidly took up the role Ben left, but did so with even more obsession and enthusiasm. Like many of my staff before him, John took up the reins of running the University blind tasting team, and although the team were beaten by Edinburgh, John took home the top taster prize, showing how much talent this young Chinese spy... sorry, young man has. 

I'll miss our wine chats, miss our auction geeking and miss this kind, sweet and brilliant young man.

Peter Wood